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Look at the bottom of my blog to see my collage for my project!!! Does color effect emotion?

Friday, August 21, 2009


I have gotten so many good responces from starting that forum that I can't really record all of it here! I think I have made a bit of a breakthrough with how people associate colors to thier emotions or even events in thier lives or thier days!

Here are a few more good ones I guess...

"My day was a bright turquoise with neon orange spirals here and there. The
turquoise is the majority of my day. It wasn't a sad blue, but a good one. The
"neon orange spirals" are the parts where I was confused. And the two colors
together would give me a headache, so they seem very fitting. "

"Olive-grey for a boring, hot day
Olive-green for the disgusting smell that my roommate emanates
Light Yellow-grey for getting my job back
And now a warm, dark green for peace and quiet with the girl I love."

"<3>_> "

"Thats very interesting....If it helps at all, when i look back on memories
i see a certain colorFor instance there are many points in my life that are
completely blacked out, and when i try to recall them i see black or there are
tones of blue in some memoriesI'd say that today was kind of like a dark blue,
not sure why just a very plain day i suppose"

"Fascinating. My roommate has synesthesia. o_oShe won't go into rooms with
an excessive amount of cherry red, and spends most of her time surrounding
herself with acid greens. Red tastes bad, like a cloying flavor added with too
much cinnamon, according to her. o_o

Now, I think I must find out what a synesthesia is! -does a quick web search-
Well, I don't entirely understand the article, but there is a wiki article about it... I noticed one interesting factor though that ties into colors and learning
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synesthesia ((Article in case someone is interested or can help me))

As a child, Pat Duffy told her
Dad, "I realized that to make an R all I had to do was first write a P and draw
a line down from its loop. And I was so surprised that I could turn a yellow
letter into an orange letter just by adding a line." Another grapheme synesthete
says, "When I read, about five words around the exact one I'm reading are in
color. It's also the only way I can spell. In elementary school I remember
knowing how to spell the word 'priority' [with an "i" rather than an "e"]
because ... an 'e' was out of place in that word because e's were yellow and
didn't fit."

Thats all for now I guess...

Thursday, August 20, 2009

More Already...

I feel like there are a lot more new sources online that I haven't stumbled upon when I did this before. I'm actually sort of glad I took a break for a bit. Maybe it's also the fact that I can sit back and listen to music as I browse the web... And I don't have to worry about blocked sites.

Another Simple List (Related to web design, but I'm sure it still applies)
This one provided me with a few things I haven't thought of before. Like for Grey neutrality, un-committed and un-involved, and escape from anxiety are listed. It sort of makes sense, Right?

What color was your day?
Boyfriend says: "Green" because his day was "lively"

What people had to say on Forum sites (I guess link can be provided upon request)
Keep in mind it is an internet site and there may be chatspeak
"Mine was an olive grey. It has so far been very boring, and hot (which is
why it is olive and not just grey.) And while I did attempt to find a job today,
I have a strong feeling that none of my requests for interviews are going to go
through. -_-Boring, hot, drab, hopeless olive grey. -sigh-"

"So far it's been purple. Probably because I just woke up and nothing's
gone wrong yet today." ... "Ooh. It's starting to take on a more blue-ish tint
now that I just got in an argument.This is interesting. "

"Red.. Full of heat and anger today. My Lovely Corset is now un-usable. DX "

"I think my day would fit under lavender. Not too gray but not too much flavor yet not overly everyday either."

"Mine has been a Dull Pastel Green. I say this because it could have been very eventful and wonderful and full of stuff but really hasn't and i have had no real motivation to make it a pastel green today. I'm sure it will change once my mother gets home."

Never Left my Mind...

It's hard to work on this without my laptop, but the topic has never left my mind... In fact, I'm going to try to do a bit more work on it now.

Some links and notes

Another good decorating view of it.
Color and emotions are closely related. Specific colors are known to provoke
certain emotions and leave impressions on us whether we notice it or not.

This site also confirms things I already know. Like that orange is a good color for a kitchen or someplace involving eating. It also says what I know about red increasing your heart rate. (and appetite too)

Oh, colors and emotions... What you wear.
I think this sums up how people view you more though. Like with black being invisibility.
"When people are wearing pink, whether they are male or female, they appear
approachable and capable of loving others."

Interesting! What color was your day?
This website is actually a way to introduce art to kids. This would also help for communication I guess. Either way, this proves interesting when it comes to colors and emotions... I might start asking this question to people, along with "Why?" to figure out what exactly they think about it.

What Some Other People Think (WNCY)
This website has some comments with peoples feed backs and what they think/know

Otto from Manhattan
The ancient Egyptians associated red with the desert and death. Black was
associated with the Nile Valley, life and fertile soil. Our contemporary notion
of being "in the red" or "in the black" comes from those times

I found this to be interesting! Don't know if it is true or not though....

Keep in mind that I said "seems". I regard no information I find as absolute fact... Unless I find it in many useful places. I can't find anything small to quote, because the whole thing seems useful. Basically, it talks about the "How" of colors, like How we can see them and what not. I'll have to tear this site apart and sort out facts later. Maybe I can find some better Key Words for my project.

What color was your day and why?
Friend one: grey, because it was a bland, did nothing day

I will soon continue this thought. I'm thinking about starting threads in "Menewsha" or "Gaia Online" since they are blocked in school, and I am out of school. Basically I will start a thread about "Colors and emotions" and see what people have to say about it. I don't know if it will count for anything, but I might get some useful information, right?

