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Look at the bottom of my blog to see my collage for my project!!! Does color effect emotion?

Friday, August 21, 2009


I have gotten so many good responces from starting that forum that I can't really record all of it here! I think I have made a bit of a breakthrough with how people associate colors to thier emotions or even events in thier lives or thier days!

Here are a few more good ones I guess...

"My day was a bright turquoise with neon orange spirals here and there. The
turquoise is the majority of my day. It wasn't a sad blue, but a good one. The
"neon orange spirals" are the parts where I was confused. And the two colors
together would give me a headache, so they seem very fitting. "

"Olive-grey for a boring, hot day
Olive-green for the disgusting smell that my roommate emanates
Light Yellow-grey for getting my job back
And now a warm, dark green for peace and quiet with the girl I love."

"<3>_> "

"Thats very interesting....If it helps at all, when i look back on memories
i see a certain colorFor instance there are many points in my life that are
completely blacked out, and when i try to recall them i see black or there are
tones of blue in some memoriesI'd say that today was kind of like a dark blue,
not sure why just a very plain day i suppose"

"Fascinating. My roommate has synesthesia. o_oShe won't go into rooms with
an excessive amount of cherry red, and spends most of her time surrounding
herself with acid greens. Red tastes bad, like a cloying flavor added with too
much cinnamon, according to her. o_o

Now, I think I must find out what a synesthesia is! -does a quick web search-
Well, I don't entirely understand the article, but there is a wiki article about it... I noticed one interesting factor though that ties into colors and learning
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synesthesia ((Article in case someone is interested or can help me))

As a child, Pat Duffy told her
Dad, "I realized that to make an R all I had to do was first write a P and draw
a line down from its loop. And I was so surprised that I could turn a yellow
letter into an orange letter just by adding a line." Another grapheme synesthete
says, "When I read, about five words around the exact one I'm reading are in
color. It's also the only way I can spell. In elementary school I remember
knowing how to spell the word 'priority' [with an "i" rather than an "e"]
because ... an 'e' was out of place in that word because e's were yellow and
didn't fit."

Thats all for now I guess...

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