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Look at the bottom of my blog to see my collage for my project!!! Does color effect emotion?

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I'm Amazed. (Last day of Trimester one)

Well... I just turned in my proposal. FINALLY. I'm not sure if it's any good, I wrote it just now basically. But, I have it done. I've even filled out 2 note templates (And still going) and I've started on surveys/interview questions and 2 different power points.

I've collected what different sites have to say about different colors, and I'm working towards getting personal opinions from real people that I can actually see and talk to. I really need to get an interveiw done....

I'm sort of mad at myself, I probably could have had an interview or two done by now, along with the power point presentations, if I hadn't stressed out so much to begin with. Oi.

Oh well... I'm just happy that I get to take this lap top home, I will continue my work there, and won't forget my topic... Maybe I'll get a few questionares or interviews done (Still need a professional though).

I'll keep blogging here on my home computer if I can...

And once... I have to do this one...
I feel accomplished,
And skewl is out!

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