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Thursday, November 20, 2008

So Much Work, so Little to Show for it.

This is aggravating me. I have a D in this class all because I didn't respond to 2 stupid articles about other peoples grad projects. I could not stay focused on it, and I honestly believed it was no help to me....

And I've done all of this work, and I'm still no where.... I have a ton of sites, a ton of information, but without a final plan I can't do my proposal. I also have no idea how I'm supposed to plan all of this right now!!!!!!!! I have no idea what days I will have available a month or so from now in order to do this! I don't even know how she wants us to put this on a timeline.... That un-motivates me even further...

And now, I'm trying to think about creating a powerpoint that people won't be like "uuuuugggghhhh.... OOOOMMMMGGGGG thhhiiisssss isssss sooooo stttuuuiiiipppiiiid, whhhy are we doing thiiis mssssss.S? blah blah blah" like they do with everything else.....
And I don't even know if I can do that this trimester... And AARRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!

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