First, I'm not exactly sure of how to site one of my sources (I will probably ask someone later, after I've fried my brain over it)
The source:
This is where most of my notes on color and learning come in.
Now, my second dilemma also has to do with sources I suppose. All of my research on what colors cause what emotions are from different sources. Does that mean that every time in my paper when I say what color causes what emotion I have to site it a ton of times?
For example: Red causes increased heart rate (source one), excitement (source six) and represents love (source three), Passion (source five) and fire (source five) ?
I mean, some of the color meanings and emotions that I've found correspond, but some don't...
Moving along...
I found another person who tested colors and emotions...
They just did a bunch of surveys on different colors of paper it seems.
I have bookmarked a lot of what may be useful sites. My main goal today was gathering sources so I can do all (if not most) of the notes at once. (I'm still wondering why I didn't get notes on certain things)
Apparently color affects emotions because it affects our nervous system
I agree most with the statement that it is in association.
"Q: Why do colors affect people's moods? What is it that makes minds react differently to different colors?
A: Colors and moods are of great interest and also the subject of a lot of misunderstanding. It seems that colors do not affect moods in any consistent and intrinsic way. Instead we learn associations and those associations can have huge effects on our emotions and moods. For example, we might learn to associate red with danger and then later on viewing a red color in any context might evoke those feelings of fear, excitement, or anxiety associated with danger. Some of these associations are learned through our society and some are learned through individual experiences. The main thing to remember is that color can have a large affect on our emotions, but it is not the same for every person and the same colors don't affect different people in the same way. There is still much about this topic that is not understood, but it is never as simple as those who like to associate a single color with a single emotion would make you think."
Now I'm trying to work out how to E-Mail the children's museum.
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