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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Never Enough

I thought it would at least be a little later in this trimester before I started breaking down, but I guess I was wrong. I've actually been working my but off this whole time just to get told that it's not enough. Especially considering how hard it is for me to make decisions and accept that whatever I'm working on is ok enough to turn in.

I've been working on notes, my outline, fixing my works cited, working on my website, figuring out what to say to the children's museum, working out the kinks in my action plan, and atempting to organize my thoughts in here. I've been working. That's actually rare for me when it comes to things like this.

I was trying to do the outline without actual notes.... Do we need a certain number of notes? That's..... Grrr.

Turns out we do. Yay. What fun.

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