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Look at the bottom of my blog to see my collage for my project!!! Does color effect emotion?

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Literary Review and Web Site

My web site is coming along fantastically. Most of my pages are all linked to each other, and every page has a link to this blog. It's very colorful, and works along with my project. I'm hoping it won't give people a headache though, or confuse them...

My paper on the other hand, that's slow progress. It probably doesn't help that I am trying my creative writing class's "crappy" first draft method. My very first draft is probably going to sound very elementary. My goal is to get all of the facts down, and tweak the working later. I'm afraid that I might be judged because of that though.

Here is my introduction though

Everything has color. Color is in the eyes of adults and young children alike. At their young age, children already begin to create their own opinion of a color, and associate that color to other things. Most children will be taught things like, blue is used to represent sadness, red represents anger, and other similar color emotion associations. The question is then, if a color can be associated with feeling an emotion, can seeing that color affect the way that you feel? If the walls around you are green, does it make any difference on your emotions? Colors can affect our nervous systems, (more specifically the pituitary gland, which relates to hormones) therefore altering the way we feel, work, learn, or think.

This might also change. Although I know that it is hormones and what not, it has a lot to do with past experiences and color association. I might also change the order of my outline.

The outline goes from the introduction, to brief facts about what colors are said to do what, to the why all of those are different depending on the source.

It's confusing. It's also really hard to distance myself from the topic and just state the facts...

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