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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Not Making it....

Well, I'm s till really, really, really behind on my paper. I'm writing this so I can take a breather and possibly organize some thought. (Or perhaps I'm writing just to rant a bit...)

Right now, I'm still only on two pages of the actual paper being written. I've been trying to build my outline up a bit more before returning to the paper. It's horrible. I'm having problems finding things related to my foundation questions. I based my foundation questions on what I wanted to learn through my experiment (that I won't fully be able to test do to time)... I did not create questions that could easily be researched. Every source either gives me irrelevant information, contradicts most of my other information, or gives me a HUGE run around.

It seems I'm the only one with this problem though, mostly everyone else is done.
No word back from the Children's Museum either.

I don't think I'm going to pass this year....

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