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Look at the bottom of my blog to see my collage for my project!!! Does color effect emotion?

Thursday, May 27, 2010


I've looked at so many different things when it comes to my graduation project. I've put so much work into researching and writing that paper...

I've looked at how colors affect emotions, how people use colors to convey emotions or describe them, I've looked at daycares and marketing... I've looked at how changing the colors of things affect us or our opinion of the object being changed...

Did I do all of this for nothing?

My project seems to have become how color affects us in general... Then what do I do?

I feel so lost. I've been trying to talk to teachers via e-mail so that I don't have to track them down and interrupt them, but they aren't responding. I need more than just a simple 5 minute conversation... I need 10-20 minutes of talking about things before I fall apart....

I'm going to fail....

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