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Look at the bottom of my blog to see my collage for my project!!! Does color effect emotion?

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Outline so Far...

How Colors Affect Emotions
I. Intro. .

A. Studies
B. Science projects
II. What colors do what?

A. . Explain what the sources I used said about the different colors
1. . Warm colors= comfort and warmth-anger and hostility (Cherry)
2. .Cool colors= calm, yet sad or indifferent (Cherry)
3. . (Johnson)
4. . (Mood chart)
5. . (color and mood)
6. . (Franco)
7. . (Color wheel)
8. . (Mood ring)
III. Why do colors affect emotions?

A. . Past experience
1. . “Regardless of what your left brain may tell you, color symbolizes and triggers emotions, memories and ideas or thoughts without you even realizing it.” (understanding)
2. . Daffodils inspiring hope (ACS)

B. . Gender?
1. . “Thomas, Curtis, and Bolton (1978)”—72 Nepalese people interviewed, women listed more color names than men (Khouw)
2. More girls liking purple than guys (Hallock)
3. “Purple stands out as a feminine color because it is chosen almost exclusively by women as a favorite color and is strongly disliked by men. Traditionally associated with royalty,the color purple is also spirtual, romantic, and mysterious” (Bear).
4. . Men prefer orange to yellow, girls are opposite (Khouw)
5. . This is changing [manly men wearing girly colors in sports] (color by numbers)

C. Other Factors
1. . . “Birren states, ‘With maturity comes a greater liking for hues of shorter wave length (blue, green, purple) than for hues of longer wave length (red, orange, and yellow).’” (Hallock)
2. Old people can’t see dark colors well (color by number)

a. . people are effected more by the combination of hue, value, chroma, warmness or coolness (Khouw)
b. .
c. .
IV. How can colors affect learning environments?

A. . (Willard)
1. Pink locker room = less aggression (Nolan)
V. What other things can colors improve? ((Work in progress))

A. . The workplace
1. .
2. .
3. .
B. . Homes
1. .
2. .
3. .
C. . Business
1. . Websites
2. . blue=business like [websites] but cold on its own (Nolan)
3. . margarine color marketing (color by numbers)
D. Therapy? (questionable)
1. . Increase blood circulation(Cherry)
2. .Red, Anemia and blood conditions (Stefanidakis)
3. .Yellow= Stomach, liver, intestines, skin healing (Stefanidakis)
4. . Indigo = skin problems (Cherry)
5. .Indigo = blood problems (Stefanidakis)
VII. Conclusion

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