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Look at the bottom of my blog to see my collage for my project!!! Does color effect emotion?

Monday, April 26, 2010

Starting Off (Again---> Action Plan!)

(I post a lot because this helps me work out my thoughts. Is that bad?)

I'm not sure if I am more behind than I thought, or if I have things more together than I thought I did. This week I am looking through my old notes, gathering a few more perhaps, finding a person to interview, and I'm going to try getting the teacher to give me minor feedback on my possible action. It would be nice if whoever I interview could give me feedback on the project before completion, but I doubt I have time for that.

ACTION PLAN (In the works)
----> I'm thinking about getting science presentation poster boards that are already different colors, or I will paint them. Either way, I plan to have at least one for every basic color (black, white, red, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink)and I will have them set up on tables. Then, whoever I manage to get to participate (hopefully a decent amount of people) will sit in front of them and fill out some sort of paper.

It would be nice to look at things like reaction, heart rate and what not, but that is just me over complicating things... Maybe. (I have found that red apparently increases heart rate)

I'm also concerned with lighting. Lighting makes a big difference in color. (Maybe I should look into that too)

Possible interviews/just people to think about talking to--
  • Mr. Kap (he knows this art wise I suppose)
  • Psychologists (The category it most fits with)
  • Decorators (Colors and emotions at home)
  • Teachers (color and learning)

Now to find specific people...

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