"We're sorry. The Color Matters website is not available at this time.
Please check back June 5."
What do I do about this? I was just about to put this site in my webliography section of my website?
How do colors affect us?
I. Intro. .
II. What colors do what?
III. Why do colors affect emotions?
IV. How can colors affect learning environments?
V. What other things can colors improve? ((Work in progress))
Everything has color. Color is in the eyes of adults and young children alike. At their young age, children already begin to create their own opinion of a color, and associate that color to other things. Most children will be taught things like, blue is used to represent sadness, red represents anger, and other similar color emotion associations. The question is then, if a color can be associated with feeling an emotion, can seeing that color affect the way that you feel? If the walls around you are green, does it make any difference on your emotions? Colors can affect our nervous systems, (more specifically the pituitary gland, which relates to hormones) therefore altering the way we feel, work, learn, or think.
Foundation Questions
· Why?
· What colors cause what emotions?
· What affects this?
· Does it affect learning?
· Does ones background affect this?
· Is this used in designing schools or houses?
· Is gender a factor?
· Does color and emotion also have an effect in clothing?
· What other scenarios are there where the color of something effects ones emotions?
· How can this information be used to improve schools or homes containing depressed people?