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Look at the bottom of my blog to see my collage for my project!!! Does color effect emotion?

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Am I lost or am I found?

Well, I followed Shannon's suggestion and looked up "Color Stimuli" on Carnegie library's homepage, so I might need to take a trip to the library... But, I also made it a point to look up color stimuli on Google.... It doesn't seem to be extremely helpful, but I have been able to take a slight understanding of it.... Maybe...

It has a lot to do with light scattering... The concept of Color Stimuli that is... I think...


I guess I was just thinking that, this information might be just what I need in order to start viewing this project more technically....

Then again, I'm still over thinking about thinking about this project and over thinking what is not so necessary to be thinking about....

Yeah, I have realized that I am making little to no sense.... But... I've been thinking (obviously)... Anyways, I don't think it's entirely possible to figure out why color would effect emotion.... Perhaps I am looking for how many ways color can effect emotions? Or how many emotions a color can perceive? Maybe it's how color effects humans in general?

No... Those are all to big... But in all honesty, that seems to be what I want to do.... I want to take all of this information in somehow, and find ways to make it useful.....

Yeah, I do have some issues.... Ok, I have a lot of issues.....
I should know what I'm doing by now.... But I don't.... And thats really really sad.... I'm sorry....

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