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Look at the bottom of my blog to see my collage for my project!!! Does color effect emotion?

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Here's what I came up with....

Essential Question: Does color effect emotion?

~ Why?
~ What colors cause what emotions?
~ What affects this?
~ Does it affect learning?
~ Does ones background affect this?
~ Is this used in designing schools or houses?
~ Is gender a factor?
~ Does color and emotion also have an effect in clothing?
~ What other scenarios are there where the color of something effects ones emotions?
~ How can this information be used to improve schools or homes containing depressed people?

and so far, for my proposal... My focus of the project is colors and emotions.

I hope to learn what kind of connection color and emotion have with the human mind, and I want to learn how to use this information to improve certain places.

This project stems from personal intrest, it was once a science project I did, but did not do well enough with. This project is personal because I wish to better my project and actually come to a conclusion that will help others, not just my grade.

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