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Look at the bottom of my blog to see my collage for my project!!! Does color effect emotion?

Thursday, October 30, 2008

I'm thinking thoughts of thoughtful.... thinking... ness?

Yeah, I'm pretty much out of it... But I'm thinking again about where I'm going with this... I was thinking more about my end result, and had a little talk with Lauren. I'm ending this with a test study thing.... Now the question is... When... Where... How... And ..... I lost my thought....
And... Blah... Forget that.... But who where and how...

Is it during advisory, class, or on the weekend?
is it in school, or away from school?
Is it just students?
Or other people?

And the how...
Do I give them a test packet of colorful ness?
Do I project the color on the wall and have them tell me what they feel?
Do I do both?
Do I give them a survey?

And how on Earht do I use this information to help someone?

Feedback is much loved....

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