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Look at the bottom of my blog to see my collage for my project!!! Does color effect emotion?

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

H E L P ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Ok, I have no direction.... At all.... I'm LOST... really LOST... I need HELP! but I don't know how you can help me when I have no idea what I need to begin with.... I've tossed several ideas around in my head and in my blog, but I can't attatch myself to any of it and I'm being pressured to choose!!!!

Joe threw an idea about planting tree's.... I don't think that would work because 1. I have to use MY MONEY and I don't have much of that 2. I know of no places that need tree's 3. I've never planted a tree and don't know how too.... 4. I might like tree's, but I don't feel much like planing them....
I want something I can be more dedicated to then placing a tree in dirt..... Thats why I thought about helping raise abandoned squirrels....

So I'm back to square one for the millionth time.... At least tell me if any of my ideas are decent or worth trying.... Or, help me expand my thought process....

My biggest problem is, I have NO OPTIONS, therefore I can't narrow them down. I think that just about every idea I think of for this project is crap and wouldn't work.

I don't even know where I'm supposed to put the link to our home journally thingy....

1 comment:

Joseph Vogel said...

Ok then, I'm sorry for that idea, I suppose that would be pricey, How about flowers? They're cheap, and you could do it just about anywhere with permission. I'm pretty sure that some seed packs even come with instructions.

But as for the squirrel idea. That may actually be hard, you may have to contact an animal shelter, prove your trust worthy to raise an animal like that. And you need to know how to raise a squirrel to be, well, a squirrel.

Give me some feedback too Kristen. Thank you, and good luck. I'll assist you on your project if you think of anything you want to stick with.

