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Look at the bottom of my blog to see my collage for my project!!! Does color effect emotion?

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

My main issue...

Is that I don't know how to turn things into a project! Sure, I can put seeds in the ground... What good does that do???
And I'm sorry Ms. Savido, I'm trying not to type as much.... But I am really extreamly lost...
I have many intrests, but nothing I can turn into a project....
Even the ideas of my classmates are leading me to dead ends... I'm super stressed out and have waaaay to much floating around my head.

I'm feeling pressured.... Like I'm on some press for time.....

1 comment:

Casey Mizgorski said...

So I admit that the squirrel idea is about out there and probably not possible in Pittsburgh but it would be fun.

Planting stuff might also be fun if you could like find an organization that does stuff like that for communities. It could be a project for um, I don't know, helping nature? I really don't know but I wouldn't roll those ideas out just yet because they could work for you

