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Look at the bottom of my blog to see my collage for my project!!! Does color effect emotion?

Thursday, September 11, 2008

One Last Today.....

On the topic of color, I found something of intrest I guess..... I didn't have time to look through it enough... But.... Ehhhh...

(( http://www.colormatters.com/index.html ))

I don't think I will be able to make a project out of it.... But I'm tryng....
I'm trying to find a project and run with it.....


L. Savido said...

Wow! I was following along with your blog, but now I'm really confused! But tomorrow (Friday) we'll get together and see if we can put direction into this massive piece!
- Mrs. Savido

Shannon McCarthy said...

I like this idea a lot. According to Alex (you can check) on avarage 1 in every 30 people are color blind in some form. You could probally have a lot of fun with this since you are creative and you do draw in a lot of fun colors! lol.

Joseph Vogel said...

Interesting topic choice...
Kinda of...Ironic...actually..
since i know you >.>
You should read my newest post.

