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Look at the bottom of my blog to see my collage for my project!!! Does color effect emotion?

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Let the Bloging Begin?

Ok, first of all... Hello, welcome to my blog, I guess. My name is Kristen and I am required to do this for my school graduation project. I warn in advance, I have horrible spelling and a habit of typimg "..." .

Now, Graduation project... Basically, I have to find a topic I can get involved in and start a huge project on it... I think. So far, I am compleatly stressed out because I don't know what to do!!! I feel as if I'm getting chained down to something! That and I'm not sure of what to get chained down too!! Sure, I like reading, writing, and scieince... (Science that doesn't involve math!) but I can't really turn those into projects. So I'm a rambling mess right now! SAVE ME!!!

I'm supposed to talk about what I do in relations to the grad project, so.... Basically today, I created this -nods-. Not very eventful.... Now, if you'll excuse me and my horrible blogging skills for a momment, I am going to storm through what I am interested in and try to make some sort of connection...

I like

  • Reading
  • writing
  • nature
  • cats
  • squirrels

I suspect that none of those will help me project wise though... I'm sure if I had a list of past projects people have done, I would have an easier time deciding what to do with it!... Just a thought... I guess....

1 comment:

L. Savido said...

Great Beginning! Now that wasn't so bad, was it?

