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Look at the bottom of my blog to see my collage for my project!!! Does color effect emotion?

Thursday, September 25, 2008

We're all Mad here...

Ok, not only have I driven myself crazy with noticing colours waay more than ususal, but I'm driving Casey insane too. But right now my mind is swimming with words, colors, and over analytical ness! Like... AAARRRGGGHHHH!!!!

Like, if you've looked at the doors.... Look at them for a minute... then look at the whiteboard.
It's like the blinding white light of insanity is trying to pull you closer into it's clutches of DOOOOOOOOOM....

Or perhaps I am mearly losing my mind or over reacting. Either way, it's like Rawr....
Bright yello
Rich green
Blood red
Rust orange
colours.... everywhere.... EVERYWHERE!!!!

Who knew this could drive me crazy...


Daniel Hogue said...

i did

Daniel Hogue said...

I'm referring to your last statement in that entry

