Wednesday, November 26, 2008
I'm Amazed. (Last day of Trimester one)
I've collected what different sites have to say about different colors, and I'm working towards getting personal opinions from real people that I can actually see and talk to. I really need to get an interveiw done....
I'm sort of mad at myself, I probably could have had an interview or two done by now, along with the power point presentations, if I hadn't stressed out so much to begin with. Oi.
Oh well... I'm just happy that I get to take this lap top home, I will continue my work there, and won't forget my topic... Maybe I'll get a few questionares or interviews done (Still need a professional though).
I'll keep blogging here on my home computer if I can...
And once... I have to do this one...
I feel accomplished,
And skewl is out!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Another idea.....
Ask how many people like red...
Then ask if they like sports, or are energetic.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
I've learned that there is such a thing as a fear of purple....
Anyways, I'm still lost with my proposal..... I did not understand a word Ms.S said really.
So Much Work, so Little to Show for it.
And I've done all of this work, and I'm still no where.... I have a ton of sites, a ton of information, but without a final plan I can't do my proposal. I also have no idea how I'm supposed to plan all of this right now!!!!!!!! I have no idea what days I will have available a month or so from now in order to do this! I don't even know how she wants us to put this on a timeline.... That un-motivates me even further...
And now, I'm trying to think about creating a powerpoint that people won't be like "uuuuugggghhhh.... OOOOMMMMGGGGG thhhiiisssss isssss sooooo stttuuuiiiipppiiiid, whhhy are we doing thiiis mssssss.S? blah blah blah" like they do with everything else.....
And I don't even know if I can do that this trimester... And AARRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Well. . . Looks like I have work to do....
It's a bit less organized, but it might work...
Now I have to think about creating something for the students to fill out.....
Back to work!
I'm Wondering. . .

Some one could say that this picture doesn't look very promising or clean...?
I'll have to ask ms.S...
But it would give me a good idea of how to conduct things or how to think about it... It might also help me figure out who may be interested in participating in my final outcome.
Ok, So Today. . . .
In the meantime I have been thinking about the interview, and then I'm just like Arrgh. I'm trying to do work on my webliography, my proposal, and think about contacts at the same time!
((Lauren is amazed by my blogging apparently... I thought that was interesting... Do I blog that often and type that much in my blog entries?))
Oh! By the way, I have added my questions in a text box at the side, and I'm trying to think more about my keywords >_<
Hey, I'm Trying. . . .
Then I'm still stormning interview possibilities. Like, the other day, when going to curcuit City, I noticed a "Fire Dog" room.... It's bright lim green, the whole little room.... So I want to go back there, and ask that person a few questions about how it makes them feel.
But, thats not really considered an interview... I'm still looking for phychiatrists or room designers. I would prefure a personal interview, sound recorded... but I suppose beggers can't be choosers.
I'm also glancing a bit at a mood ring point of view of it, as suggested by Ms. S....
Anyways, here are some of the links so that I don't lose them >_<
Monday, November 10, 2008
Well... It could be worse...
Basically.... I have flown myself waaaay off track...
I did get some work done, but that's not helping me.... I'm getting depressed because what I have done is no where near good enough if you ask me... And I hate turning in work that I wouldn't approve of and expect the teacher to approve of it.
I still can't find my focus anymore... All I was doing was recording the sites and adding summary's.... and then I'm just like... I really don't want to do this... and it's giving me a headache...It's not that hard, I'm just a really unfocused stupid un-skilled procrastinator.
Do Not Disturb....
My webli... whatever thing... Is probably going to suck, and I hate turning in crappy work, but I have to.... right?
So here goes nothing... Wish me luck.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
All Honesty...
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Today, while looking at someone elses MLA thing.... I wanted to launch myself out of a window... It was wonderful, had authors, it was credible....
AAAAHHHHHHHH!!!! and again AHHHHHHHH~!!!! I'm having a mental breakdown right now.
I'm a worthless pathetic human being who can't do MLA and is falling behind like crazy
I have no future
I'm a failure
and I'm like...... AAHHHHHH.....
Someone throw me out of the window.... Really....
Friday, October 31, 2008
It's a Bumpy Road
Next on my agenda, perhaps before creating the actual test or whatever, is to start getting contacts.... So far, I fail at this.... I need a psychologist and an interior design person.... I'm horrible at finding things...
This one is short... Just me calling out for H E L P !
Anything helps really...
Thursday, October 30, 2008
I'm thinking thoughts of thoughtful.... thinking... ness?
And... Blah... Forget that.... But who where and how...
Is it during advisory, class, or on the weekend?
is it in school, or away from school?
Is it just students?
Or other people?
And the how...
Do I give them a test packet of colorful ness?
Do I project the color on the wall and have them tell me what they feel?
Do I do both?
Do I give them a survey?
And how on Earht do I use this information to help someone?
Feedback is much loved....
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
I have my purpose... But whats my process?
· What is the focus of my project?
o The focus of my project is color and emotion, and how one affects the other
· What I hope to learn or accomplish… What my point is…
o I hope to learn if color affects emotion and why. I hope to use this information to benefit someone, and my point is…. That these things are important somehow?
· Why am I doing this project?
o Personal Interest- I had decided to do this project because I had attempted it once. Back in eighth grade, I had tried to see if different colors had a different effect on a person’s mood. In the end, that project was not a success because I did not have enough time or effort to put into it. So I would like to improve on it. I am also doing this project because I have an interest in such things, so I guess you could say I am sort of interested in Psychology.
· My Essential Question
o Does color effect emotion?
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
My Failed "Did You Know" facts
· In Belgium, the color for boys is pink while the color for girls is blue, because blue is viewed as delicate while since pink is an off form of red, it is seen as masculine.
· Color emotion can be defined, in a simple fashion, as the relationships between color and the viewer's psychological response.
· Colors have both positive and negative qualities
Really, they don't have much to do with my project.... I think I will understand and know more amazing things when I come to interviewing somone....
But, at the end... I'm thinking my end product is the experament itself.... But everone is doing something that presents their project to others... Like with Caseys photo gallery and the poetry slam and whatever it was that Sydney was doing....
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Here's what I came up with....
Essential Question: Does color effect emotion?
~ Why?
~ What colors cause what emotions?
~ What affects this?
~ Does it affect learning?
~ Does ones background affect this?
~ Is this used in designing schools or houses?
~ Is gender a factor?
~ Does color and emotion also have an effect in clothing?
~ What other scenarios are there where the color of something effects ones emotions?
~ How can this information be used to improve schools or homes containing depressed people?
and so far, for my proposal... My focus of the project is colors and emotions.
I hope to learn what kind of connection color and emotion have with the human mind, and I want to learn how to use this information to improve certain places.
This project stems from personal intrest, it was once a science project I did, but did not do well enough with. This project is personal because I wish to better my project and actually come to a conclusion that will help others, not just my grade.
Brick Wall
Truth is though, I've never really gotten the whole MLA citation thing....
Also, I guess my next issue in line is the proposal... I know it's not easy, but still. I don't think my essential question fit's into my proposal, and I'm having issues trying to find a way to change it.
Today I will attempt to hand in my crappy attempt at essential and foundation questions.... but that still leaves me lost with MLA....
Friday, October 17, 2008
Soooo... I'm frustrated.... No where on MLA still...
Unfortunately, the suggestion of looking into the properties of the website didn't help much....
On a brighter note, Shannon presented me with another good point... Explain it in lay mans terms! And test groups from 13-18 years of age... Perhaps I will also go a tad lower that 13... I'm not sure yet... I don't even know how exactly I plan on conducting this experiment. There is also an issue of how to reach all ages for my test.
Short entry today, I have to continue stressing over MLA and trying my hardest not to fail this class....
Thursday, October 16, 2008
I am Shannon's best friend (hah)
"What about something along the lines of 'Does color and emotion have a link
within the human mind?' Or something along that.. that way you can explore
diffrent options of how color does effect people if it does so maybe not only in
emotion but how they wear it.. idk.. something like that..and I ♥ ur eye on the bottom of the page.."
So, I believe she has a good point with that... In order to figure out the whats and the hows, I would first need to confirm if there is a link between colors and emotions... Thank you Shannon!... My only problem, is that I think that has already been proven... Perhaps I am mearly re-visiting it and using different test groups? Most of what I have found on previous experiments involves college students only....
Secondly... I would like to state an opinion... WEBSITES SHOULD INCLUDE THEIR OWN MLA CITATION IN THEIR SITE IF THEY WANT TO BE GIVEN CREDIT FOR THEIR INFORMATION!!!!! I'm driving myself crazy trying to figure out Authors, titles, and other information that helps me find out who the heck I'm giving credit to... Websites don't include that sort of information, therefore they don't deserve credit... But If you can't credit a website, the information is useless due to lack of proof....
So therefore... This sucks... (Pardon my saying 'this sucks' and 'heck' but that's how frustrated I am, and I actually want to use harsher, more vulgar words....)
What I'm finding to be particularly sad though, is that I'm finding some fantastic sites.... BUT NO WAY TO PROVE IT'S EVEN A SITE DUE TO IT'S LACK OF MLA CITATION!!! This is why I always fail... This is why I always give up...
So, this post was mainly to thank Shannon (And Casey for her previous feedback) and say that I have found some more links, but am having problems with MLA... I'm always having problems with MLA, but this is due tomorrow, and I have nothing... So, as you can imagine, Kristen is not a very happy camper right now. It just rained all over my camp and firewood, so I can't make smores... Yeah, don't ask... That's what happens when I get stressed and feel like typing...
So, I'm going to stop now before I distract myself even more... I'll give you $5 if you do my MLA citation!!! (I'm just joking, Ms. S would kill me.... And I would fail.... And that wouldn't be good....) Really though, comments and suggestions are always welcomed. You might get a spiffy blog dedicated to you comment and how you've helped me... And I might just be your best friend!
((On ONE LAST note... The spell check claims that "smores" isn't a word.... How on Earth is that not a word... It's only one of the most delicious things in the world! Aside from jelly beans...))
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
It's a start...
So... You should look at it and tell me what you think... (I feel like I'm talking to an invisible audience, people haven't read my blog in a while, I'm not sure if they are following anymore)
And I'm back to the issue of my root question, so right now I'm stuck in a dark void.... I thought I had something simple with just "Does color effect emotion?" because from there I can determine how color effects emotion, what colors cause what emotions, what colors are better for learning.... So I would assume that starting out with a vague question might just be my best bet....
You should give me feedback on my question too. . . If you do... I will be your best friend.... Maybe....
Everyone keeps telling me I've got a good project going here for me.... Perhaps I'm just horrible at focusing and creating a project... I already know that I'm horrible with deadlines. I'm amazed that this entry isn't that long.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
I've been spending my class time over thinking, over analysing, and overly multi tasking. I was looking for things on my collage, thinking about an essential question, wondering how I'm going to conduct this project, whats going to be on my webibliography and in all of this.... I lost track of my deadlines....
I had gathered a good idea from my therapist though... She suggested using a projector to project the color onto the wall. So that might be a problem solved.... I guess I would then start by asking them if the color has affected their mood, and then I would continue asking various questions...
Either way, I'm still lost...
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
I was trying to avoid this....
Green is normally the color of envy, associated with money... That's a given. I'm always hearing about the green eyed monster...
And, if you ask me, red is normally used to portray anger. In many cases though I have discovered that people find it as giving off a sense of power or seduction....
In thinking about this, I also realise that in a way red was once used to portray innocents as well. The story of Little Red Riding Hood.... She had a red hood....
Red is also the color of blood, blood is life... And spilling blood is not a very pleasant thing... So I would imagine that some would not like to see the color red for that reason....
Then there is pink. The color of new born baby girls (And in some countries it is actually for boys!) now, how can a color associated with that also be associated with breast cancer??? What do people think of first when they see pink? Life or death?
Also, there is still conflict on whether black is the absence of color or the presence of all color.... Art thinks of it as the presence of all color, but life tends to think of it as absent... Which kind of makes sense, because if you hold a prism under light, you get a rainbow.... does that then mean that white is the presence of all color?
Personally, the color white drives me crazy... Right now this room is driving me a little crazy, which may very well be why I've finally sunk down to ranting my own opinions about this project....
Anyways, I know people who find white rooms calming, and shy away from darker rooms that I would probably find more comfort in.
Argh!!!! My mind is swimming with all of this, along with all of the things my mind was originally swimming with!!! And now, thanks to thinking about pigeons and their color presence, I'm wondering again if animals like dogs and cats are color blind!!! And that has nothing to do with my project, but I can't help but think about it!!!!
AND I'M STILL NO WHERE WITH MY COLLAGE!!!!!!!!! I'm running around in circles because of that! Like, REALLY!!!! I didn't think it would be this complicated, but for some reason I just can't get it... Perhaps it is because my mind is so overloaded it's pathetic... I mean, this is my THIRD entry today, and like the resst it mainly contains my ranting and running around in circles....
Apparently Pigeons have a color preference.....
Am I lost or am I found?
It has a lot to do with light scattering... The concept of Color Stimuli that is... I think...;jsessionid=27D256364D8910804B0FA8EF3F3DD7ED.tomcat1?fromPage=online&aid=469291
I guess I was just thinking that, this information might be just what I need in order to start viewing this project more technically....
Then again, I'm still over thinking about thinking about this project and over thinking what is not so necessary to be thinking about....
Yeah, I have realized that I am making little to no sense.... But... I've been thinking (obviously)... Anyways, I don't think it's entirely possible to figure out why color would effect emotion.... Perhaps I am looking for how many ways color can effect emotions? Or how many emotions a color can perceive? Maybe it's how color effects humans in general?
No... Those are all to big... But in all honesty, that seems to be what I want to do.... I want to take all of this information in somehow, and find ways to make it useful.....
Yeah, I do have some issues.... Ok, I have a lot of issues.....
I should know what I'm doing by now.... But I don't.... And thats really really sad.... I'm sorry....
Monday, October 6, 2008
I should have this by now...
OK, so I'm still sort of lost on my essential question... Which I should have by now.... It shouldn't be this hard for me should it? I would assume my question is simply "Does color affect emotion" rather than complicating it any more than it needs to be... But it is sort of complicated already and therefore needs to be simplified... Or something like that. I think.... Perhaps I'm over thinking, or maybe I just think I'm over thinking....
Either way... I should really have all of this done by now... But my brain is way too fried... I'm also still over stressing on my collage... Like, I can have a million pictures of different colors, but how could I relate emotion into it without it looking too weird?
Anyways.... Will's suggestion was::
"How will the colors of the surrounding environment affect a person?"
But, I think that's over complicating it... Again... Besides, I'm not sure if I can focus on this project as color vs emotion in a persons environment.... Ms. Savido suggested I give people a test... That seems a bit easier to manage rather than putting someone in a room surrounded by color....
So right now I'm going even crazier because I'm thinking of how to make an essential question that is narrowed down yet not overly complicated... And in this process I am making no sense whatsoever. AAARRRRRGGGGHHHHHHH!!!
Friday, October 3, 2008
Ow... Brain.... Hurts....
As if I didn't have enough thoughts threatening to crush me at the moment...
But basically.... I'm failing epically at this... feel free to laugh...
I stumbled upon some pictures that people photo shopped... And I found it pretty interesting.... If you change the color of something, your outlook on it can change... Or without color in the object, it's purpose would change....
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Currant Frustration
Who, What, Where, When, Why
Anyways, so far... I'm running around in circles again. So far... I'm like.... AAARRRGGGGHHHH.....
My project is about color and emotion..... I have that much, right? Now I need an essential question..... What is my essential question? Is it "Does color effect emotion" or "How does color effect emotion" ? I'm not sure it would be either of those really.... This is a large topic.... So I'm like.... Lost again..... Really lost....
I could look at it from a learning aspect... "How does the color of a learning environment effect the learning of students?" That sounds good..... It's not what I want though.....
That's my problem.... This has so many possibilities.... And I can't explore all of them.... Then again, I can't seem to form this project into any essential question formats that I have been given....
It's to late to change my mind about my project now though, and right now I'm also pretty sure that there is nothing I would like to change my project to....
I suppose things could be worse.... I mean, at least I've started to focus somewhat Unfortunately though, I still seem to be floating in that dark void when it all boils down to certain things. Then again, who isn't having SOME sort of issue with their grad project? We will all stumble a bit I suppose... But I'm the type of person who easily gives up, and it doesn't take long for these problems to drive me absolutely bonkers....
Saturday, September 27, 2008
So, I have gotten somewhere
An interior decorator would have to know something about the way a colour of a room would make someone feel... And a psychologist would be able to talk with me about previous studies or tests conducted... Therefore helping me get somewhere....
Friday, September 26, 2008
A Little Less Crazy
I uploaded my website things... And I'm thinking about my key terms some more.... I'm not sure what to do for those, and I don't think the ones I have are accurate enough for my project.
Another short entry..... Wow...
Thursday, September 25, 2008
We're all Mad here...
Like, if you've looked at the doors.... Look at them for a minute... then look at the whiteboard.
It's like the blinding white light of insanity is trying to pull you closer into it's clutches of DOOOOOOOOOM....
Or perhaps I am mearly losing my mind or over reacting. Either way, it's like Rawr....
Bright yello
Rich green
Blood red
Rust orange
colours.... everywhere.... EVERYWHERE!!!!
Who knew this could drive me crazy...
Getting somewhere?

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Observation. . . . .
In my opinion that is....
And I'm thinking, I want to open those closet doors...
So I'm wondering.... Would I want to open them if they were a dark blue rather than a dark red?
And I've been looking at the wall... Like, it's white... But it's go specks of color... Does that therefore dim the insanity I feel when placed in a white room? Perhaps.... Then again, I now find those colored specks extremely distracting... I've never noticed them before O.O
But, this doesn't help me with color and emotion.... Not really at least...
I could say that the color of the doors makes me curious, or invokes mystery... But that's about it....
So this entry, is just me taking a step back from my spazzing out at everything... And trying to gather something that will help me....
I'm starting to think, that I just can't be helped.
So, if your reading this.... LOOK TO THE DOORS!!!!! What do you think? What do you feel?
Week 4
And the other question, what have I learned? I've learned some basic facts about colour, and a few examples about how color may affect ones mood. Like, one site in particular would describe red as representing "energy, war, danger, strength, power, determination as well as passion, desire, and love."
I've learned that someone wanted to paint a prison pink to lesson agression.
I've learned that originally, pink was the color for newborn boys, and blue was the color for newborn girls... And it is that way in places like Germany today.
So basically, I probably haven't learned much... And I'm basically still right where I was not too long ago....
I've been thinking about key terms, about finding a person to interveiw, about the study/project all together... And I'll tell you, it's giving me a HUGE headache.
It's only the begining of class...
Actually though, I might have a few keyterms soon.... I still need to figure out where exactly I'm going with this though... Because, I could include the process in which color is seen, which would involve a lot of big words...
But that would over complicate things....
But, isn't this supposed to be complicated?
No... never mind.
I haven't even started my webliography because I don't know if what I have is usful!!!
And now I have an assignment to do....
So, this rant has been shortened...
Monday, September 22, 2008
Well, thats depressing
Anyways, I has a direction... Well, a task... Savido told me to focus on nothing but finding information. So I will do that =D
Wow... Another short journal entry.... Maybe the world is ending.
So I'm Kinda Really Majorly out of it Right Now
This entry till be short. Simply stating that I am lost with my project of conducting a study... By the way... If it's a project about conducting a study about color and emotion... What do I do with my findings?
Oh wondrous.
So I'm completely lost, and feeling sick to my stomach. Not to mention paranoid and over stressed.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Still walking in circles here....
And I'm still thinking about how Savido was talking about the fact that we will have to interveiw smeone.....
And if my project is conducting a study about it... What study am I conducting about it?
Does that then mean that my project is more of how to conduct a sudy?
Or is it still about the colors and emotions?
I don't know....
What I'm getting at though, is if my project is making a study about color vs emotion. Does my project become "How do I conuct a study about blah blah blah" or is it still "How does color effect ones emotions" ??
So yeah, I'm getting pretty dizzy over here >_<
Thursday, September 18, 2008
But my project would be to conduct a study about it!!!!!
That seriously just hit me.
So, theres a window over there......
Gimme a week, I'll get completely sick of it.
Anywho... Shannon has some good points with the question of Emotion VS Color, does it really matter.... But I don't think I can get a person who normally wears bright colors to wear dark colors or vice verse.... It would be interesting, but that would be like blindfolding you for a week....
So, I'm lost again... And I'm confusing myself. I'm always confusing myself though so I guess there's nothing new there....
And, another issue I have with this.... I don't think there is an expert in color.... I don't think I would get any interview out of this topic.... And Arrrgggghhhhhhh!!!!
Is it Friday yet?
I need help still..... Lots of it.... Really....
I have no idea what to do about the interview factor
or the key terms factor
or the project factor
or the expert factor
So, I've concluded.... I'm pretty much back to square one for the..... 10th ? time....
Yay for floating in that dark void again =D
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
But I'm writing to say that Savido didn't forget about me when she left the converation a bit before it really started so that she could remind us about something involving the military.
And I'm also writing this to talk about something she told me. In a school that she used to teach at, each floor was a different color. I don't know where I'm going in writing that though..... I recall her saying she didn't like being on the red floor though.....
Anyways, I'm still not sure if I am directing all of this twords color and emotion in regards to room color, clothes color, or..... I don't know....
Also, on that note, I don't even know how I can turn this into a project..... Like, what do I do? Construct a bunch of rooms from cardboard, paint them different colors and study people in them????? What if a person is clausterphobic???
And now, the thought process really begins.... Yay....
Here's the part where I pretend to know what I'm doing...
I'm still thinking about how I can go from topic to project before dedicating myself to the topic..... Or... Idea.... Or whatever it is right now....
I'm finally talking with Savido -gasp-... And trying to sound like I am sure of what I'm talking about..... Let's see where this goies from here....
Friday, September 12, 2008
So, I'm Still Wondering if I can Make This Work....
I have discovered that people catagorize colors by representation... Not like that would really help me much, but it's interesting. Perhaps ones stereotypes of a color would make them feel a certain way twords it.
And I have also found something in terms of interior design... Like, it will tell you that red will increase your blood pressure? or something like that. And it will tell you what colors are best for your interior based on what those colors normally generate emotion wise. So this information looks at the psycology veiw of it all...
But I still don't know if it's possible to turn this into a project. . . . . .
It has been made into a project before, although I can hardly read it >_<
Thursday, September 11, 2008
One Last Today.....
(( ))
I don't think I will be able to make a project out of it.... But I'm tryng....
I'm trying to find a project and run with it.....
It's Just Not Enough. . . . .
Anyways, I realize that my problem is that I'm an overly negative person and will find a way to shoot down any project idea, or no matter how much I like it, I will convince myself to hate it!!!!!
I don't have issues.... Not at all.....
But, I had another very vague idea... It involved a science project I did, involving how certain colors made a person feel... There were a million problems with that experiment though, because people came up with complex responses.... Perhaps I can limit it, or change the main focus.... Like, is it easier for a person to think in a white room? Or a blue room?
But, what good would that do people?
It doesn't help the community, so it doesn't help me get into college.....
It doesn't fit with a career.... so it doesn't mesh with my future....
So, again.... I have walked myself in a large circle.... And ended up right back where I started....
Dark void of floating-ness.... Woo....
Floating in the Dark Void ( Let's party =D )
So, let me try this again. Nature, food, animals.... I was once thinking about doing something therapy like.... I used to want to be a shrink, but I don't thin I can handle the problems of others when I can't handle my own... And I'm not good at giving advice.... When I can't help people I become a massive train wreck...
So let's rule that one out....
Nature- Don't know what to plant where to have it help people and make it a project that doesn't conflict with the group project I am doing in ecology.... This ones close to being ruled out...
Food- Maybe not cooking food.... But something involving food? Yeah... That's pretty vague... Let's rule that one out...
I like writing, but I never finish what I write, too many people are writing for their grad projects.... Besides, my writing is horrible...
Just reading isn't going to get me anywhere either....
So yeah, I think I'm going to spiral out of control and crash into the sun.... Yay... Oblivion....
Let's continue...
I like science... but science and math go together hand in hand... and math is my worst subject.... I don't know what I would do science related either.....
I always wanted to know what makes a person different... Like, we're all made the same... right? well, what makes a person like Pepsi rather than coke? why does one person prefer something sweet, while their friend prefers something bitter? Yeah, that's another thing that's just a vague idea and wouldn't make it to being a project....
It's not like I ever finish anything anyways... I procrastinate, or worry abut failing to the point where I fail anyways. I'm currently in break down spazz mode... I don't know what I'm doing with my future, I don't know what I'm doing for this project.... And I'm supposed to choose soon... Wonderful....
There are so many ideas bouncing around this dark void with me... Yet they all seem just out of my reach.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
My main issue...
And I'm sorry Ms. Savido, I'm trying not to type as much.... But I am really extreamly lost...
I have many intrests, but nothing I can turn into a project....
Even the ideas of my classmates are leading me to dead ends... I'm super stressed out and have waaaay to much floating around my head.
I'm feeling pressured.... Like I'm on some press for time.....
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
H E L P ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Joe threw an idea about planting tree's.... I don't think that would work because 1. I have to use MY MONEY and I don't have much of that 2. I know of no places that need tree's 3. I've never planted a tree and don't know how too.... 4. I might like tree's, but I don't feel much like planing them....
I want something I can be more dedicated to then placing a tree in dirt..... Thats why I thought about helping raise abandoned squirrels....
So I'm back to square one for the millionth time.... At least tell me if any of my ideas are decent or worth trying.... Or, help me expand my thought process....
My biggest problem is, I have NO OPTIONS, therefore I can't narrow them down. I think that just about every idea I think of for this project is crap and wouldn't work.
I don't even know where I'm supposed to put the link to our home journally thingy....
Monday, September 8, 2008
So I'm Pretty Much Back to Square One....
I am currantly looking at squirrels right now.... Squirrels are part of the community... Kinda... And they are cute and fluffy... I found something on squirrel rescue and rehabilitation by looking up squirrel diseases!
So, that currantly has me looking at animal rehabilitation places that may have squirrels....
It's odd... But it's a start to something I can do... right? Sure, I like cats more than squirrels.... But how many people could say they helped raise a baby squirrel?
So far though I'm having no luck finding a rehabilitation center around here that accepts squirrels....
Friday, September 5, 2008
Ok, first of all... I was thinking of writing a play. I stumbled upon a play I wrote last year set in City High (Yet it was mid-evil shakespear times) and included currant silly drama's all in old fashioned play speak... Reminds me of the Shakespear remake movie thing I saw "Love's Labor Lost" (I missed half of it)
BUT, Casey is writing a picture book... I would feel akward doing some writing project as well.... And what would I do? Hire people to act it out? I'm broke... Set design would be impossible... And what am I supposed to do? Shakespears dead... I can't interview him... I don't know any other inspiring playwriters who may be interested in my type of writing or plays.
Next, I was thinking about other topics I can expand on.
Love history, hate the class... I like expeirencing, seeing, feeling... Being a part of something that is nothing but a memory now....
I'm fasinated with the Holocuast.... But I don't think there's anything I can do with that... A re-inactment would be hard..... >_<
I like flowers... I'm gardening in Ecology soon... But... No....
I don't think there is much I can do...
So do me a favor... HELP ME!!!!!!!
Give me a suggestion, a gentle push in the right direction....
Gee, I sound like I'm talking to an invisable higher power or something....
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Let the Bloging Begin?
Now, Graduation project... Basically, I have to find a topic I can get involved in and start a huge project on it... I think. So far, I am compleatly stressed out because I don't know what to do!!! I feel as if I'm getting chained down to something! That and I'm not sure of what to get chained down too!! Sure, I like reading, writing, and scieince... (Science that doesn't involve math!) but I can't really turn those into projects. So I'm a rambling mess right now! SAVE ME!!!
I'm supposed to talk about what I do in relations to the grad project, so.... Basically today, I created this -nods-. Not very eventful.... Now, if you'll excuse me and my horrible blogging skills for a momment, I am going to storm through what I am interested in and try to make some sort of connection...
I like
- Reading
- writing
- nature
- cats
- squirrels
I suspect that none of those will help me project wise though... I'm sure if I had a list of past projects people have done, I would have an easier time deciding what to do with it!... Just a thought... I guess....
